Teljes neve: Avril Ramona Lavigne Születésnapja: 1984 szeptember 27. Csillagjegye: mérleg (Libra) Szülõváros: Napanee, Ontario (Kanada) Cipõ mérete: 38 Magassága: 160 cm Súlya: 51 kg Haj színe: Eredetileg barna Szeme színe: kék Szülei: Judy és John Testvérei: Matt (bátyja), Michelle (huga) Állata: Törpe Schnauzer neve, "Sam" Kedvenc színe: fekete, piros Kedvenc pizzája: Olivás Kedvenc ruha stílusa: Dickies márkájú cuccok Kedvenc bandái: Goo Goo Dolls, System of a Down, Matchbox 20, Green Day, Sum 41, Blink 182 Kedvenc száma az albumról: Losing Grip, bár azt nyilatkozta, hogy neki mindegyik a szívéhez nőtt Az Under my skin albumról a Together című szám
Avril Lavigne minden, csak nem átlagos: gördeszkásokkal lóg, fékezhetetlen és vad, igazi fenegyerek (ha van ilyen lányban). Saját bevallása szerint mindig fiús volt, fiúkkal lógott a suliban, télen jégkorongozott velük, nyáron baseballt játszott, miközben kortársai rózsaszínű Britney-ruhákért szaladgáltak a bevásárlóközpontokban. Avril Lavigne, akit a popzene egyik legfiatalabb üdvöskéjeként tartanak számon, 1984-ben született, egy párezres kanadai kisvárosban. Van egy nála idősebb fiútestvére Matt, aki egész életében melette áll. A 17 éves gördeszkás lány 2002-ben megjelent első lemeze dalaival elhódította a tinédzser rajongótábor nagy részét a Britney Spears és a hozzá hasonló szexis-jókislányos tinisztárok elől. Állítólag már kétévesen énekelt, amit nyilvánosság előtt először a helyi Napanee városka 5000-es közösségének templomi kórusában kamatoztathatott, majd a country zenét kóstolgatta énekversenyeken és rádiós vetélkedők keretén belül. Egy ilyen verseny győzteseként utazhatott Ontarióba, ahol jutalom gyanánt együtt énekelhetett a country zene tündöklő sztárjával, Shania Twainnel. Hamar felfedezte élete fontos kísérőjét, a gitárt, amin megtanult játszani és zenét szerezni. "A gitárhoz menekülök, ha bajom-bánatom van, olyan az nekem, mintha a terapeutám lenne"- mesélte. Egy verseny alkalmával egy lezüllött bárban fedezték fel végül tehetségét. A következő napon már egy elegáns irodában ült az 57. utcában, vele szemben L.A. Reid, az Arista Records /New Yorkban/ fő ideológusa. Szó szerint az utcáról szerződteti a kisasszonyt lemezcégéhez. Ekkor éppen 15 éves volt. Két éven keresztül írta dalait, beleizzadt rendesen, aztán megunta, eltépte őket, majd újra nekiállt dolgozni. New York légköre vagy talán inkább ottani munkatársai azonban nem voltak igazi segítségére első lemeze munkálataiban. Avril nem szerette, hogy beleszólnak a dalszerzésbe, és nem hagyják igazán érvényesülni egyéniségét a zenéjén keresztül. Így aztán átruccant a nyugati partra, ahol Cliff Magness producer-dalszerző segítségével összeállította első albuma, a Let Go dalait, amely 2002 nyarán került a lemezboltok polcaira. Magness-szel való munkakapcsolatának gyümölcseit azonban már az album megjelenése előtt piacra dobott kislemez, a Complicated sikerein is lemérhették: az album Kanadában azonnal a toplisták élére került, az észak-amerikai 40-es toplistán pedig az élmezőny egyik befutója lett. Sokak szerint, azért mert szép /nem vitás/, de talán végre itt az ideje annak, hogy szívből jövő hangok és érzések vegyék át az "uralmat"... |
Dolgok, melyeket Avril mondott, magáról, a többi énekesről, az életről:
"I like being a minor because you can't get into trouble. Now I just have to try and behave myself."
"I might look like a tough chick - and I am - but I'm also a hopeless romantic inside."
"I rejected some gorgeous publicity shots because they just didn't look like me. I won't wear skanky clothes that show off my booty, my belly or boobs. I have a great body. I could be Britney. I could be better than Britney."
"I wrote about what I was going through at the time." - on the inspiration for her songs"
"I don't really care if my clothes are wrinkled or there's a stain on my shirt. Going out on the road, your clothes are dirty." - on her style"
"I don't want to be like Britney. That's her thing and I'm doing my own thing too." - on Britney"
"I don't want to be no fake pop shit." - on not wanting to be...well, fake pop shit "
"I'm not into gloss and glamour. It's soooo fake." - on gloss and glamour "
"If anybody tries to kiss my butt...I'll just tell them, 'Shut the hell up.'" - if people start trying to kiss her butt "
"Nick Carter wanted me to sing on his album but, you know, it's not really my thing. I'm not putting myself in the teen pop type of box." - on Nick Carter asking her to sing on his album "
"If you don't like who I am, then you don't like you I am. But all you're gonna get, is who I am."
"Im gonna dress what's me, im gonna act what's me, and i'm gonna sing what's me."
"I won't change anything because I think the most important thing is being yourself and that's what I'm going to continue to do."
"I write about whatever's on my heart" - On what inspires her "
"I dress cool and I look hot, so if you don't like it - suck it. Haha!"
"I could be Britney, I could be BETTER than Britney. And if I were selling my body, I would wear that stuff but I'm selling my music."
"I'm not a bitch or anything, but I can be a bitch. People want me to look all pretty and sexy for pictures, and it's just not my thing."
"Screw that, I'm not gonna wear those trashy clothes!"
"I'm a person with a ton of energy who likes to scream and party and rock out. And there are other sides of me that are real serious."
"I like skater clothes, baggy pants and wifebeater tees that say 'boybeater' on them."
"I always go with my gut and stand up for what I believe in. I'm a fighter. I fight for what I want."
"School teaches you what to do with the rest of your life... I already knew."
"Even before, I knew what, like, a record was, I knew I was going to make one."
"If I become hugely famous, I don't want to get a friggin' ego. I'd Hope the people around me would kick my butt if I did!"
"I never see my family anymore."
"Many people ask weird questions. And some of them are really personal too."
"Evan's my bro. I'm like his little sister."
"I am so busy - I never get to eat."
"I am the stubble queen!"
"I'm not worried about what other people say. I'm just going to be myself. I'm not going to try to pretend I'm someone else. I'm not a bad person. I like to have fun and I like to be myself. Hopefully, people will see that."
"Sometimes I feel like my guitar is my therapist."
"I've definitely grown a lot in that whole period - especially as a person."
"It's not Ahh-vril. It's Avril!"
"I definitely have a rock star lifestyle."
"I'm a rock chick at heart."
"Check out the lead singer! He's adorable! The funny thing is, we kind of look alike." - on her favorite band, Hanson"
"Hey dudes, I'm young, I'm single, I'm allowed to have some fun!"
"I think because I was brought up in a Christian home I was kind of careful not to swear in my lyrics."
"I felt kind of guilty when I'd go to swear because I felt I would be disappointing my parents."
"Girls seem to be more sensitive, right? That might help you write better. Guys like to hide their feelings. One thing being a woman that I don't do, though, is sell my body.I want people to respect me, and I don't go around shaking it or wearing a push-up bra."
"How would I describe my music? I would describe my music as... Avril Lavigne."
"When I was younger, my mom put me in a cute little pink dress with frillies for my first day back to school. I hated it!"
"Be yourself and fuck whatever anyone else thinks."
"I'm not going to be pushed around and told what to do."
"When I get really upset, I go to my guitar, I feel like it's my therapist."
"School gave me an inferiority complex, I never did my work, was always talking, and failed all my test because I didn't try. I would be throwing M&Ms and the English teacher would say, 'Stop that or I'm going to make you leave the room.' And I'd be like, Thats what I want. So I'd keep throwing them, get kicked out, and grab my skateboard and go skate."
"I was a little badass."
"Girls are strange. They have groups and don't want to let anyone else in. I've had a hard time getting along with girls because of that."
"I'm a chick with edge. I like to rock out, have fun, and cause trouble. What you see is totally what I am. I haven't let anyone mold me."
"I'm a fighter, I may be small but I'm tough."
"I used to get in fights with guys and kick the crap out of them, My parents were worried about me because I was so small and skinny. But the boys' moms were like 'Go, Avril, go!' It was awesome."
"I would describe my music and my sound as... Avril Lavigne!"
"A lot of my songs are just true and honest and it's kinda re-freshing to some people cause it's not all like.... (laughs) "Oh Baby" this and "Oh Baby" that and it's you know kinda means a bit more to some people."
"Everybody knew back home, everybody knew me as like (quotes with fingers) "The singer girl" "Oh yeah the girl that sings!" I'm like "Yeah I'm her!"
"I'd say that my inspiration for music came from church because... that's you know I grew up going to church all the time and heard music and I sang my first solo at church, sang at all the Christmas concerts and um... that's kinda where I got my start and that's you know where my roots come from and I started writing aswell when I was 12, taught myself how to play guitar when I was 12."
"I wasn't even educated on what a you know a record deal was, all I knew was that you know if I sang for this guy and if he liked me that would make me be able to get... (giggles) make me to be able to create a record and that's all I wanted, I wanted my CD, I wanted to have a CD and... so, it happend really fast."
"Complicated' is bout people being fake, two-faced, not being themselves, kinda you know bout that guy who, i've totally experienced this before um... with a couple of different guys, where you know like you get along with him and he's really cool and acts really into you and everything's great and then when he's with his friends, he treats you... different!"
"I would describe myself as Avril Lavigne to someone if they asked me to describe myself cause the thing i hate about this, being in my situation, is that you get labelled you know, i've been labelled as Avril Lavigne "Sk8er Chick!"
"Yeah I used to skateboard when I was in grade 11 and I still would if you know I wasn't on the road right now."
"Yeah it's to that point now where it's... I can't go out shopping you know like the mall or whatever um... the last two times that I went i'm all like "I'll be fine! I'll be fine!" whatever and I went just like this (no disguise) and um... didn't really get any shopping done, but it happeneds right, you know so... I'm not complaining. It's just, it's a little weird, something I have to get use to... you know next time i'll just like put my hair up and wear a hat or something (giggles)" | | |